GM Jim Rutherfold told DK Pittsburgh Sports that Kris is coming along and starting to feel better! That is great news and we’re happy to update you and heard about this!!

Full quote from news update:
Letang (upper body) will miss his 10th straight game Wednesday but is improving. “I don’t want to sit here and give you a number of days it will be because I’m not sure yet,” GM Jim Rutherford told DK Pittsburgh Sports. “But he’s coming along, I can tell you that much.”

Coach Mike Sullivan recently ruled out speculation that Letang was beset by yet another stroke or concussion but offered little other information. Fortunately, Rutherford relayed positive news Tuesday. “I can tell you this: Kris is progressing really well,” Rutherford said. “He’s absolutely starting to feel better and starting to move in the right direction.”